In 2024, the long presidential campaign ended with Donald Trump winning a decisive election victory. Republicans also held onto the House and regained control of the Senate. The victory came despite two failed assassination attempts and numerous efforts to derail Trump's campaign with lawfare.
Gary Bauer of the Campaign for Working Families says people of faith should remind themselves of what would be ahead if Kamala Harris had won the White House.

"That could have essentially been the end of our country as we know it," he submits. "I believe we would have lost liberties. On the foreign policy front, it would have been a disaster. She doesn't know what she's doing any more than Joe Biden does, and she's not wrestling with any kind of medical issue that we're aware of."
In short, Bauer says we all should thank God for this reprieve.
"Whether we are in such a hole that we won't be able to recover, or whether, in fact, we can still recover, it's something that we can't know for sure," he recognizes. "But I think we all realize as people of faith that if America is going to be great again, it has to be godly again."
He says "we can work on" that while praying that Donald Trump and JD Vance are able to right the ship of state.