Biden hammers the opposition

Biden hammers the opposition

Biden hammers the opposition

Joe Biden says election skeptics' rhetoric is fomenting "a cycle of anger, hate, vitriol and even violence." Hmm. Perhaps a mirror would help. Biden himself is chief among rhetorical sinners, as the Apostle Paul would say.

Robert Knight
Robert Knight

Robert Knight is a columnist for The Washington Times. His latest book is "Crooked: What Really Happened in the 2020 Election and How to Stop the Fraud."

President Biden was at it again last week, using his bully pulpit to demonize half the country.

His warning about "dark forces" and "MAGA Republicans" repeated his scary September 1 Nuremberg-style rant in Philadelphia (pictured above) that labeled opponents as a "threat to democracy."

Blaming them for the hammer attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul Pelosi during the wee hours of Oct. 28 at the couple's home in San Francisco, he said, "We don't settle our differences in America with a riot, a mob, or a bullet or a hammer."

Somebody should have told this to Democrat-applauded BLM/antifa "protestors" in hundreds of riots in 2020.

Mr. Biden said that election skeptics' rhetoric is fomenting "a cycle of anger, hate, vitriol and even violence."

Hmm. Perhaps a mirror would help. Mr. Biden himself is chief among rhetorical sinners, as the Apostle Paul would say. Unlike Paul, however, who wrote that repentance is good for the soul and leads to truth (2 Tim. 2:25), Mr. Biden seems to have zero sense that his conduct merits introspection.

Taken seriously, his rants could justify physical attacks, social media censorship, FBI home invasions, firings and even hate crime charges, not to mention the ongoing attacks by pro-abortionists on churches and crisis pregnancy centers. In fact, that appears to be the script.

With a mid-term drubbing looming, Democrats have followed the Biden playbook and gone hysterical over the supposed "threat to democracy" posed by anyone not voting Democrat. Republicans are dangerous "extremists," according to the TV ads for actual extremists who think Drag Queen Story Hour is educational.

The lockstep media dutifully covered up key facts about the mysterious hammer wielder at the Pelosi residence in San Francisco. David DePape, 42, is not exactly a Young Republican. He is a nudist activist and illegal alien who sleeps in a bus and a van in Berkeley parked outside his former girlfriend's home. A sticker on the van says "Ain't no sunshine until capitalisms [sic] gone." A Black Lives Matter sign hangs in a house window and the front lawn sports an LGBTQ pride flag with a marijuana leaf.

We know this thanks to Tucker Carlson, Breitbart.com and independent journalist Michael Shellenberger. But the Washington Post and New York Times ignored such telling details. Instead, they dug up social media postings that made Mr. DePape out to be a "right-winger" and "election denier."

Remember, being an "election denier" is one rung lower than a child molester, even though prominent Democrats like Al Gore, Stacey Abrams and Hillary Clinton have all engaged in the practice. Election denial, that is.

According to the police, Mr. DePape somehow easily broke into the residence of one of the most powerful people on the planet. He struck Paul Pelosi, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's 82-year-old husband, with a hammer in full view of police, who won't release the body cam footage. Because Mr. DePape allegedly asked, "Where's Nancy?" the way some Capitol rioters did on Jan. 6, 2021, the media linked him to what they keep mislabeling an "insurrection."

Opportunistic Democrats on MSNBC and CNN quickly called for Republicans to pull campaign ads linking Democrat candidates to Speaker Pelosi and her policies. Right.

A week before the election, based on a squirrely incident in San Francisco, the GOP is supposed to stop criticizing one of the architects of our current misery? In case anyone has forgotten, we have rampant crime, 9% inflation, blown-up retirement savings, an open border with millions pouring across, soaring interest rates, COVID mandates and government assaults on moral decency and biology.

Did you know that Pelosi's district is the site of a huge, annual obscene public street fair for sado-masochistic sex freaks? She's quite fine with it. If the Democrats get their way, the whole country will look like this.

Think that's hyperbole? Who do you think is behind the transgender mania targeting children all over the country and insisting that libraries and schools stock gay porn? It's the same people who criminalize counseling aimed at helping people recover their natural sexuality. Talk about "dark forces."

That brings us back to Mr. Biden. He backs national legislation to prevent states from enacting laws to protect children from these predators, calling such laws "outrageous" and "morally wrong." Justice Department lawyers are even attacking pro-family groups that support these laws.

It should be clear by now that we desperately need new leaders to undo the enormous moral and economic damage inflicted on us over the last two years.

God willing, that path will open up as of Nov. 9.

This article appeared originally here.

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