'Tripledemic' brings another wave of supply chain issues

'Tripledemic' brings another wave of supply chain issues

'Tripledemic' brings another wave of supply chain issues

A medical physician says the ongoing shortage of cold and flu medications displays the need for America to gain some independence from China.

Talking with Newsmax about the Tylenol, Motrin, and Advil shortage, Dr. Manny Sethi said one problem in the midst of what some are calling a "tripledemic" -- with COVID-19, flu, and in the case of children, RSV -- is that America has become so dependent on supply chains that involve China and other international players.

Sethi, Dr. Manny Sethi

"Walgreens, for example, and CVS are limiting the amount of Tylenol that parents can buy," he noted. "In many cases, they're having to go to many, many stores. I think that it's high time that we really think about what we're doing here and we bring these supply chains back to America so that we're not facing these problems like with baby formula, with amoxicillin, and now with these drugs that we're talking about."

Dr. Sethi, a surgeon and founder of the nonprofit Healthy Tennessee, says a fever that is no higher than 102°F can be treated with hydration.

"Sometimes, dehydration is the biggest sort of player in a fever …  so work on that [with] Pedialyte, Gatorade -- those kinds of things," he advises. "If the fever gets beyond 102°, you probably need to call your pediatrician."

He cautions against anyone under 16 years of age using aspirin, as it can can cause something called Reye's syndrome, which affects all organs of the body but is most harmful to the brain and the liver.

"Bottom line is always talk to your physician or your healthcare provider if you have questions," Dr. Sethi concludes.