CA wants to be destination for life-altering gender surgery

CA wants to be destination for life-altering gender surgery

CA wants to be destination for life-altering gender surgery

It appears California’s far-left lawmakers are determined to make their once-great state a go-to destination for life-altering transgender surgeries.

That accusation comes from a bill introduced in the California General Assembly., S.B. 107. The legislation proclaims the State of California will defend “gender affirming care” in a legal situation, for example, when a married couple is disputing the proper treatment for a mentally confused child.

Greg Burt of California Family Council tells AFN the bill was authored to push back at other states that have taken action to stop transgender surgeries on young children. He gives the example of a divorcing couple in Texas fighting over medical decisions for a child.  

“What this bill is doing is it's saying we will not recognize the court decisions from another state,” Burt says, “even in regarding to custody, if a child is brought to California to get these sterilizing treatments.”

The bill also legally protects doctors who are involved in the controversial surgery, which Burt warns would mean a doctor who has been sued and punished in another state can hide in California, where the state courts will protect his assets.

In a National Review article about the bill, author Wesley J. Smith quotes from the legislation and concludes California is picking a controversial fight involving custody disputes, family matters, and state laws. The bill will "almost surely" pass, he writes.