Defiant high schooler, called a 'product of patriarchy,' gave the crazies a failing grade

Defiant high schooler, called a 'product of patriarchy,' gave the crazies a failing grade

Defiant high schooler, called a 'product of patriarchy,' gave the crazies a failing grade

After a Seattle high school student was punished for giving the correct answers on a test about transgender ideology, a conservative activist is grateful the rest of the nation knows the regressive environment normal-thinking students must endure.

The quiz on “Understanding Gender vs. Sex” was given in a 10th grade class at Chief Sealth International High School. In a true-or-false portion, the unnamed student answered two questions, “All men have penises,” and “Only women can get pregnant.”

In order to celebrate mentally confused trans people, the classroom-approved answers are “false” and “false,” hence the title of the quiz. But the 10th grader refused to comply and answered “true” and “true,” which follows biology but not the approved ideology.

After the incident, the frustrated mother of the student contacted Jason Rantz, a conservative talk show host on KTTH, to recount what happened. “I keep trying to wrap my head around how it is legal to teach inaccurate information and force students to answer against their beliefs or receive negative scores,” she told Rantz in an interview.

The mother also described a hostile school environment where teachers lecture her son for being white and male, and call him a “product of the patriarchy.”

The teen boy was also instructed not to refer to himself as “straight,” which was called offensive.

That harassment is reminiscent of the infamous struggle sessions in Maoist China, where Communists shamed and ridiculed others for failing to affirm the Communist Party’s beliefs.

Instead of refuting the mother’s allegations, the school district defended them.

“Seattle Public Schools is dedicated to establishing inclusive environments that allow exploration of contemporary issues, specifically examining the impacts of power systems such as racism and patriarchy,” a school spokesman told Rantz.

Education expert Liv Finne, of the Washington Policy Center think tank, tells AFN she was not surprised to learn about the classroom quiz.

"This is an example of the radical sex-ed that is now in Seattle public schools and in Washington State,” she tells AFN. “And if it weren't so dangerous playing with children's minds about reality, you would laugh at these teachers."

Unfortunately, she adds, it is no joke because the ideological quiz and its biology-denying answers are approved curriculum and not an isolated incident. The people who are being hurt the most by pushing that ideology, she tells AFN, are students who know what is true but are forced to lie to themselves or face punishment.  

"You wonder why there's so much mental distress in the minds of children in our schools,” she says. “Part of the reason are these crazy teachers that should be bounced out of the public education classroom."