VP Harris labeled 'a danger' to America as we know it: 'Kiss it goodbye'

VP Harris labeled 'a danger' to America as we know it: 'Kiss it goodbye'

Pro-Hamas protesters

VP Harris labeled 'a danger' to America as we know it: 'Kiss it goodbye'

A conservative black activist who converted to Judaism reports hearing increased talk among the Jewish community in the U.S. about moving to Israel if Kamala Harris becomes president.

Vice President Kamala Harris met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, just a day after she snubbed him during his address before a joint session of Congress. After meeting with the Israeli leader, Harris gave an on-camera statement in which she seemed to hold the Israeli leader responsible for ending the war against the Hamas terrorists who massacred more than 1,200 Israeli men, women and children on October 7.

Marie Fischer is a member of the Project 21 Black Leadership Network who converted to Orthodox Judaism. She has major concerns about Kamala Harris coming to power.

"I'll be honest: many of my friends [are] scared for her to become president," Fischer shares. "I have friends who are already started looking into Aliyah and moving to Israel if she becomes president – and they're not doing like the empty threats that you hear a lot of actors and actresses say. They're being very serious about this because she's a danger."

During her comments after meeting with the Israeli prime minister, Harris gave a moral equivalency between anti-Semitism and "Islamophobia." Fischer, whose husband is a rabbi, argues that Islamophobia "comes from a warranted place."

Fischer, Marie (Project 21) Fischer

"… When you look at the World Trade Center bombing, at all the various bombings throughout the Middle East … whatever there's been a terrorist threat [from groups] like Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, people [who have Islamophobia] have dealt with direct pain and death connected to people who are radical Islamists."

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee – whose husband is Jewish – also has praised anti-Semitic college protesters for the "human emotion" they’re expressing on behalf of Gaza and the Palestinians. More recently, riotous mobs protesting Netanyahu's speech gathered outside the Capitol and burned American flags, spray painted a monument with "Hamas" in red letters, then hoisted terrorist flags up the flag poles replacing the American flags.

Fischer says vandalism isn't acceptable. "It's one thing to protest, we are allowed to do that. But where it becomes vandalism, that's no longer a First Amendment right," she explains. "When you're defacing monuments, when you're defacing buildings, that's not a First Amendment right – period."

And as for burning the flags? "I know people say, yes, burning a flag is a First Amendment right. Yes, it is. But you took down someone else's flag to burn it. And so when you take down someone else's flag, that's not a First Amendment right because you're stealing from someone else."

Fischer warns if Harris becomes president, this sort of behavior will only get worse. "Anybody who believes in the America that we all grew up in can kiss it goodbye if she becomes president," she tells AFN.