High school's 'Wellbeing Center' is scamming students no more

High school's 'Wellbeing Center' is scamming students no more

High school's 'Wellbeing Center' is scamming students no more

Conservative activists are celebrating "another incredible victory" for families in California.

After a year of active engagement from parents and community members, MassResistance says the Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District has closed down its so-called "Wellbeing Center" for students at John Glenn High School.

"This center was authorized to direct students to get abortions or sex-change procedures at other facilities outside of the school district," explains Arthur Schaper, field director for MassResistance.

Schaper, Arthur (MassResistance) Schaper

He details that part of the school board/ school district's "scam" was they would say they were not giving abortions, puberty blockers, or surgeries to kids, but "they had staff in the center that were trained by Planned Parenthood who could direct children to Planned Parenthood clinics or other facilities outside of the district."

His organization got involved in May 2023, just after the center opened. A couple of parents and an activist in the "deep blue, very pro-LGBT" area of Los Angeles County had reached out to MassResistance for help.

With grant money from the county, the district went to great lengths to defend its program. Schaper says his group dealt with much pushback from the LGBT community and "outright defamation" from the local press. One outlet, for example, specifically called him a "white supremacist."

"I have never seen such corruption and collusion from the local press," Schaper tells AFN.

Even so, MassResistance stuck with the cause.

"We want a result, and we pursue it, and that's what we did in the Norwalk-La Mirada School District," the field director relays. "They shut down the center."

With what he calls "another incredible victory" under its belt, Schaper asserts that MassResistance is not done working toward its ultimate goal of "clean[ing] out the schools," ridding them once and for all of all LGBT material.