Pro-life group spotlights Down Syndrome teen and her commencement speech

Pro-life group spotlights Down Syndrome teen and her commencement speech

Pro-life group spotlights Down Syndrome teen and her commencement speech

The story of Jillian Ball, a high school senior with Down Syndrome, is making news after she delivered a graduation speech that moved the crowd to tears.

Ball, 18, has now graduated high school in Broomfield, Colorado, after delivering a commencement address to an audience of 500 that included her proud parents and her supportive classmates who cheered for the nervous speaker.

The high school graduate’s speech earned a news story at Live Action, the pro-life organization, because most pregnant mothers choose abortion after learning they are carrying a Down Syndrome child.

As many as 85% of mothers choose abortion instead, according to Live Action. 

Despite her difficulties, the high school student participated in theater and sports. She is also a Girl Scout. 

Ball had auditioned at school for a chance to deliver the commence speech.

“Keep going even when it’s hard,” she said, “and be grateful for your family and friends.”

The graduate’s parents, David and Alexis Ball, told local media they have never forgotten the fear they felt when a doctor informed them their daughter has physical markers for Trisomy 21, the medical term for Down Syndrome.   

“There was a lot of fear,” Alexis Ball said, “because we just didn't know what her journey was going to be like.”

The father, David, praised the classmates for being so kind to his daughter.

“She has been really embraced by her community," he said. "She's done amazing things and she's going to continue to.”