Need help finding a biblically sound church?

Need help finding a biblically sound church?

Need help finding a biblically sound church?

There's a tool available to Bible-believing Christians who want to avoid churches that aren't biblically sound, culturally engaged, and/or legislatively active.

As AFN reported earlier this year, MyChurchFinder.org grades churches on a scale of A to C and features a list of churches it does not recommend. Pastor Neil Mammen recently told American Family Radio the concept is to get the remnant gathered into Bible-based churches and save the country.

Mammen, Neil (MyChurchFinder.org) Mammen

"The C means that you're biblically sound," he explained. "The B means you're biblically sound and you're culturally active -- that you talk about homosexuality, you talk about abortion, you talk about transgenderism. The A means that you do all of that, but now you're politically active."

In some cases, he says it may be months before a church reveal itself as woke, heretical, or just irrelevant to new members who by that time are already involved in a small group and making friends. Mammen thinks it is better to know that kind of thing up front.

"One of our jobs is to warn about bad churches," he said. "We went out there, and we have found the churches that violate these principles. They've claimed that they're pro-transgender, they do same-sex marriages. So, we went in, and we got all those churches, and we stuck them on here as 'would not recommend.'"

Anyone who is looking for a church or wants to leave their woke church can enter in their zip code on the website and see "all the non-woke churches in that area."

Pastors can also answer MyChurchFinder.org's extensive questionnaire and add their churches to the list.